Peace Journal PlanP


Building peace-culture in our daily lives 


From the perspective of peace, 〈Peace Journal Plan P〉 view and reconstruct daily life (Daily Peace), and creates a culture that empowers peace (Peace-Culture). In addition, we envision forming various discourses about peace (Peace Discourse) and networking (Peace Network) between peace activists and organizations who are concerned about peace in their respective places.


(03140) 서울특별시 종로구 삼일대로 428 낙원상가 5층 500호 공익경영센터 내|대표자 : 김복기
사업자 등록번호 : 749-91-01290|Hosting by (주)아임웹
전화 : 02) 6339-2272|이메일 : pjplanp@gmail.com이메일 복사


인스타그램  @pjplanp

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